WiFi Advertising

WiFi Advertising

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Would you like to be our partner?
In Wisphere are in the process of expanding worldwide thanks to its success in Spain, our company we develop a continuing plan for selecting partners for new markets.

The requirements for membership in our distribution channel are not too complicated, because our product is not either.

1 - . Currently is imperative that you have some contact with technology sector, marketing or advertising our products and try this.

It is important to have a minimum of culture or technology training, though our company kept informed of the products, you should know some concepts previously as the operation of the WiFi technology, what it does, how it is used , etc.

2 - . Must have proficient use of internet as the configuration tools access points are operated from our platform Wisphere Manager which is an online system accessible from anywhere in the world.

. 3 - The use of our products is simple, almost can be used without reading instructions, however you must know the product thoroughly to answer any question asked by their customers.

. 4 - Must have at least 1 product that will sell in order to master it to perfection.

. 5 - It is highly recommended that you have a sales team which will be in the product.

In Wisphere rely on our distributors and give a reasonable time to observe their evolution, if after this time realize that it is not able to sell our products pay attention to other candidates interested in commercializing products Wisphere in its territory.

In Wisphere we trust our distributors and give you a reasonable time until observe their evolution, if after this time realize that it is not able to sell our products pay attention to other candidates interested in commercializing products Wisphere in its territory.

If you are interested in joining our distribution channel contact us by sending this data to info@wisphere.es
  • Your Name and surname.
  • Tax identification number.
  • Full contact address. (Address, Postal Code, City, State, Country).
  • Contact telephone.
  • Email.
  • Name of your company.
  • Tax identification number.
  • Website.
  • Sector.
  • Position held.
  • No. of employees.
  • Year of creation.
How many units of products believed to be sold in one year?

As soon as we receive this information from you, we will contact you.

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